KEIFEI Decabolin Blend 300mg
- Rp 900.000
- Availability: In Stock
Chemical Name : Nandrolone Decanoate, Nandrolone Undecanoate, Nandrolone
Phenylpropionate, Mix of Nandrolone
Dosage : 300mg/ml x 10ml
Presentation : 10ml multidose vial x Nandrolone Decanoate 100mg/ml, Nandrolone
Undecanoate 100mg/ml, Nandrolone Phenylpropionate 100mg/ml.
Orange colour cap with KeiFei wording stamp on it. Each vial comes with 2 sets of 10 digits
Authentication Code.
Decabolin Blend 300 – Decabolin Blend is a nandrolone mix, it contains short, medium and long acting ester. In another word,
sustanon 250 is a testosterone mix and decabolin blend 300 is a nandrolone mix. This is a king of Nandrolone! Mild androgenic
side effect. ( See, Decabolin 300 for a comprehensive write up).